Game Plan & Results Management
Just as an athlete requires a great deal of precision and accuracy when performing their event, so does a games and event management solution. With’s online sport management scheduling and results module, publish game day schedules; search for events, athletes or teams; and collect real-time results – all from a consistent and stress tested platform.
Sport Setup is completely table driven and no sports are therefore pre-defined in the system. Instead the sports/disciplines have been broken down into a set of parameters or building blocks. Virtually any sport/discipline can be defined and handled in by using these building blocks. Sport setup requires a thorough review of the sport specifications and discipline details. Making changes to the detail of a sport discipline is easy and can be done at various stages in the hosting process.
External Link Capabilities
On each of the sport/discipline definition pages - up to two links can be defined with a text and a hyperlink to be associated with the text. On the public result pages for the sport/discipline the texts will then be displayed and when clicked on a window is opened with the page defined by the link.
Game Plan Scheduling
Edit games enables administrators to begin building out the sport specific schedules into The purpose of building the sport schedules is twofold: so that everyone can access the public pages and view the calendar of the games; detailing the sport, discipline, events, games, location, time and participating teams/individuals. The second purpose of the game plan entry into is to lay the foundation so that results can be entered into the system and thus reported to the general public.
Round Robin Generator
The round robin generator is a function of the game plan scheduling process. This tool enables administration to enter the participating teams and corresponding rounds. The system will devise a round robin tournament (e.g., single elimination pool play) for each round. Administrators can adjust the parameters to create larger events as well as define the scheduling details of each match within the rounds.
The public calendar page in by default displays what games are occurring on that day, but the user can – by selecting from a set of options – choose to see what happens on another day, on a specific venue and/or for a specific sport.
This enables the user to look up what competition of his/her interest is happening that day. e.g. the user can look up what is happening today on the venue closest to him/her or what competition is held today in the sport of his/her interest.
The calendar shows information about sport, event, game, time and venue. From the calendar pages the user can go directly to the detail result page for any event listed.
Result Registration and Upload
Games time results entry is typically done by a results team at each of the sport venues. Depending on the sport and related disciplines, this manual process is requires the data entry of the primary results e.g., scores, times, distances or points directly into the result pages of
If a sport is using a sport specific software to capture the results, then it is possible to do a direct results import from the sport software into
Secondary Result Publication provides the functionality to upload secondary results for a game. The secondary result can be of any file type (e.g., pdf, .doc, jpeg) extracted from sport specific results software or files generated by sport administration.
Athlete & Team Search Pages
Public users accessing can use the Find Athlete search filters to locate athletes by name, sport, and/or by their delegation. Similarly, this function is also available for team composition events whereby the public users can search for teams representing a specific delegation.
Medal Standings
The medal standing page shows a table of how many gold, silver and bronze medals each delegation has been awarded.
The medal count is automatically calculated from the number of medals awarded in each event.
From the medal standing page the user can drill down to the delegation final placing page listing all the final placings that a delegation has been awarded. The list shows placing, event and name of the athlete or team that was awarded the placing. From the delegation final placing page the user can drill down to the detail result page for any event listed or the athlete or team information page for any athlete or team listed.
Point Accumulation Pages (Flag & Sport Scoring)
Sport scoring points are the accumulation of points over a period of games; typically the award would go to the Delegation that has shown the greatest improvement from one set of games to the next e.g., 2009 to 2019. Point differences for each delegation in each sport are combined to give an overall measure of change, and the delegation with the greatest positive change is given the award. comes equipped with the functionality to tally points accumulated from all events. The delegation with the most points at the end of the games can be declared the champion and presented with an award. Flag points can be awarded to every athlete in every sport based on performance and participation, and then aggregated for a delegation total.
Result Tools
Check Game Status
The check game status page shows all games up to a selected day that do not have game status official. This page is a tool for the result coordinator to see if any results have been left unofficial. Volunteers are recommended to periodically review the Check game status page to see which games still need to be made official. If there is a game that has not been made official, first confirm why the results have not been made official by contacting the venue. When clarification has been made, simply change the status of the unresolved game to official and it will be removed off the list.Check Medal Status
The check medal status page shows events where all results are official but medals have not yet been awarded. This page is a tool for the result coordinator to see if any sports have final placings that have been overlooked. Similar to the check game status, it is recommended that results volunteers periodically review the check medal status page to keep the medal standing table up to date with medals that have been awarded.